Intellectual property – copyright and neighboring law
Intellectual property - copyright and neighboring law
Intellectual work deserves optimum legal protection, whether it is an artistic creation, a technical invention or a company symbol. Our lawyers provide counsel on literary and artistic property (copyright, associated rights) and industrial property (patents, trademarks, industrial design rights, domain names). They will help you to obtain and retain your rights (preliminary studies, prior intellectual property searches, registration procedures), market those rights (licence and assignment agreements) and defend them (objections, infringements, etc.).
In the field of Copyright Law, we render the following services:
Analyses and drafting of the license, copyright obtaining agreements, submitting legal opinions,
Providing the legal consultancy during the Film Production process, analyses and preparation of the agreements,
Drafting the contracts with producers,
Negotiating regarding copyright and neighboring rights (in relation to other organizations),
Providing legal opinion regarding copyright and neighboring rights, property and non-property rights,
Advising client on Movie Production legal issues, including the drafting, preparing of the whole legal package of agreements, opinions package for the Client,